Now and Forever

Many thanks to all who have participated in the blog. You add depth and meaning to my experience by sharing your thoughts.

Second week begins. It’s hard to believe. The passage of time seems so different here. It’s as if we had somehow landed right in the middle of the eternal Now. Aside from the bells that call us in for prayers and tea, there is no markage of time other than cycles of day and night, and one quickly loses count of them. Although I have to say that with each passing day the groups happiness grows exponentially. It is noticeable in every face every encounter we can barely contain our joy.

I’m aware of this particular day because it is an auspicious one. There is a Vedic wedding here today in the scared grove between one of the men and women in our group. We are all soooo excited to celebrate their union. It was a breathtakingly beautiful ceremony and a perfect day for an outdoor wedding. The bride and groom repeated their vows along with Vedic mantras In front of a sacred fire. The fire serves as their witness as they vow to honor the scared fire within each others heart. May they grow old together and be guided, nourished and protected by the infinite love of the Devine light within.

Om Shanti