On the Road to Mela

Walked along the bank of the Ganges all morning up to the main Kumba Mela. It was a meditative journey, breathe in breathe out, repeat. We pass many sadhus along the way in their bright orange robes. Children play down by the river women wash clothes. I give my food for the day away early while my heart is still louder than my belly, least I be tempted to keep it for myself. I had breakfast, many I meet did not.

The Mela crowd is enormous. Someone in our group described it like a cross between a huge state fair, a Grateful Dead rock concert, a three ring circus, and a huge religious gathering. That’s a pretty good description. There are camps everywhere. Dogs, kids, elephants, sadhus, and all forms of human beings on the streets. It’s a controlled chaos of sorts but then maybe all of India is. Somehow things all work but then they have been doing this for thousands of years!

We travel on to where the Ganges meets the Yamuna, the confluence of the two rivers, to dip in its sacred waters . There is a serene like quality to this place that draws you into it. The energy is palpable. You can feel its essence flowing in you. It’s a ritual repeated millions of times over by all sorts of spiritual seekers who have come before me, as well, as those who will follow. The path is never ending. All are drawn to this great river of life and it’s sweet elixir of love. I am blessed beyond belief.

