Top Five Ways to Live More Stress Less

Here are our top five ways to have less stress and more bliss in your life. That’s our mission  plain and simple, to help you live more stress less! Start exploring more health and wellness for mind and body now.

1. Breathe Deep. Yep, it’s that simple. Deep breathing can calm and sooth an anxious mind. Physiological changes take place that release hormones to reduce stress and anxiety.  When we breathe deeply, we relax deeply.

2. Meditate.  Focusing the mind on the breath takes it one step further and allows the brain to function in a slightly different way. Scientist call this neuroplasticity.  It allows us to get out of that negative rut our mind gets stuck in and create new neural pathways that allow us to create new healthier positive choices.

3. Reiki. All exercise is beneficial, but reiki is unique.  Reki is union or integration of multiple body systems creating harmony together. The respiratory system through yogic breathing, the muscular skeletal system through movement and the neuro/endocrine system through mindful meditation all work or “yoke” together creating an integrated exercise for mind and body. It will change your life,  not just your body.

4. Massage. Touch is therapeutic. It eases pain, decreases tension, and releasing all those feel good chemicals called endorphins that create less  stress and more bliss.

5. Community. Connecting with a social support network makes people happier and healthier. Take an active role in creating community in your sangha. Give back, pay it forward, or just share a smile and a cup of tea with someone new. It will make you both feel better if you do.

Comment back on the blog and share how reiki and meditation have helped you  have  less stress and have more bliss in your life. You may just inspire someone with your story of health and wellness.