On the Road Again 2/13/13

Back on the bus. It’s such a trip traveling by bus through India. It requires lots of patience and prayers. Everything happens in its own good time and there is simply no getting from here to there quickly. One simply has to sit back and enjoy the journey.

Of course the real journey we are all on is the inner journey. The exploration of Self. We make this outer pilgrimage with our feet and the inner one with our hearts. Either way it’s never easy. Constantly you are bring challenged to find new and creative ways to simplify and let go of things along the way. You begin to clearly discern between needs and wants and desires gradually fade until you are stripped down to bare essentials. At least the pack is lighter.

Mentally and physically you offer up everything you can. Om Nama Shivia. I have been living in “down sizing” mode for several years now and I’m quite used to separating wheat from chafe.

I came prepared to leave everything in my pack behind as I leave here and maybe lots of other stuff I know longer need, such as self criticism, never feeling quite “good enough”, doubting my own gifts, and not being able to fully stand in my own light without projecting that onto others.

But right now I’m stuck in traffic on this bus and i have to go. We decided the only way to get ourselves moving again is by chanting to Ganesh to please remove this obstacle before us.

How do you remove obstacles on your path?

Jai Ganesh from the Bhakti Bus deep in the heart of India