Life is Energy

Wheels of Life Keep Turning

Life is energy. Energy is life. It is the fuel for our practice and everything else we do. In reiki we work to keep the natural energy centers of the body  open to maintain health and wellness. We have seven major center called chakras and many more minor ones that help regulate the flow of the vital energy, or prana throughout our body.

A chakra is a wheel or vortex of circulating energy.  Energy goes out from these seven main wheels like spokes or conduits from a wheel and circulates to many area. Just like any area, these vortex areas can get clogged up and sluggish slowing down our vitality and energy.

Poses help activate these main energy lines and chakra areas enlivening and bringing them into balance again. Some times the chakras have too much energy and sometime to little.  The chakra yoga and mediation practice helps our body to restore itself naturally. Explore this energy for yourself and learn more about the chakra centers and meditation.