Five Reiki Principles: Words to live by


Just for today, I will not worry
Just for today, I will not anger
Today, I will live honestly
Just for today, I will respect the oneness of all life
Just for today, I will be kind to everyone I meet
Just for today, I will show gratitude to all living things

Can you imagine what live would be like if we all chose to live by these words. If we embodied the essence of peace, joy, honesty, respect, kindness, and gratitude to self and all living things on a daily basis. The possibilities would be limitless for our human growth and potential. There would be no hunger, no war, no hatred.

We limit ourselves when we choose fear, anger, and dishonesty. Our thoughts, words and actions have power. They become the fabric of our lives. They are the cloth we are cut from. Their quality matters. Practice living with integrity, contemplating, saying and choosing to your actions according to these simple five Reiki principles everyday.