Group Consciousness

We recognize each other immediately by our bright purple banners from our trip guides. But we KNOW one another immediately by heart. We are yogis. We practice awareness and conscious union with each in breath and out breath. We smile and connect immediately, as brothers and sisters, and begin caring for one another in simple compassionate ways.

We share food and shelter immediately together along with pillows, blankets and power bars. Together we struggle through the arduous rigors of modern day travel. Infinitely long lines, intolerable searches, forty pound packs and long walks to the next gate. Delayed planes, crying children, and yes, we are all hungry.

We stumble along the journey together offer encouragement and support and make sure no one is left behind. Where is that termina…Are we lost or just wandering. We make critical decisions together on which direction to take.

There is simply no “I” here anymore, it is all “we” moving forward. There is strength in numbers, and though we may seem like many, we know we are truly one, and therein lies our real strength.

Om Namo baghavate vasudavaya.
The world is truely one family.