Spiritual Help Desk

I feel compelled at this point to offer much Metta to my spiritual help desk support Anna Hamil. Without her assistance I would not be able to share this experience with you as it unfolds.

Pictures are not able to be downloaded now while in India, there just isn’t enough juice to send them but I have many to add later. I can catch wifi like prayers in the wind passing thru for only a moment or two at a time. Please be tolerant of spelling, grammar, etc., there isn’t time for corrections.

Anna not only provides excellent IT support to me but has long been one of my soul sisters who has sat with me thru heaven and hell the past 13 years. Isn’t it wonderful that when we get hung up on our souls journey we can just call our spiritual help desk person/ friend and get re-booted or re-directed onto the right path.

Leave a comment and let Anna know how much we appreciate her selfless service to this spiritual pilgrimage. Please tell us your own spiritual help desk story. You may just inspire someone else to do the same.

Namaste from the Kumba Mela

5 Replies to “Spiritual Help Desk”

  1. Dear Jude,

    So good to hear from you!! Thank you Anna for the spiritual help desk! Keep writing my little journalist. We wait patiently for any morsel you toss our way!! You cannot help but live in the present moment and be immersed in oneness. Love you

  2. Anna, you ROCK! Jude, thank you for posting and for Anna! keep the words and the thoughts coming, and namaste to you both! All joy,all light, all peace to you both, and to all beings,Sara

  3. I love fresh flowers elplciaesy roses, we don’t have anywhere in our country town to buy a good bunch of flowers except the local florist. So my hubby scouts around the neighbourhood occassionally to put together a gorgeous bunch of the most fragrant roses for me which I must say really makes my weekend. He can be so romantic when he wants a fishing buddy LOLI really don’t mind sitting out on the lake in a tinny if i can have fresh flowers to come home to..

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