YinSide the Wolf Moon in Winter

We may feel the wolf moon in winter before we actually see it. It’s cool calming energy pulling us deep inside just as it pulls the tides of the ocean. In Traditional Chinese Medicine winter is about the water element. A time when kidney and urinary bladder chi moves deeper into the roots. A time to replenish and nourish kidney and adrenal chi with simple internal contemplative practices.

This is our YinSide time of year.  A quiet time for letting things rest. Taking a break. Noticing what needs to be nourished. Sitting by the fireside.  Maybe you are journaling more, meditating or cooking simple nourishing foods like root vegetables, soups and stews.  Perhaps you are napping some in the afternoon sun and dreaming of spring.

This season is so productive, although it often looks lazy from the outside. From the YinSide there is nothing quite as powerful or productive as gathering ones chi into the roots. There will be plenty of time for new shoots to spring forth in their season. For now let the landscape of your inner awareness marvel at the winters wolf moon letting its light illuminate the darkness.