Seeds of Practice

“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.” ~ B.K. S Iyengar

All you really need to practice reiki is a willingness to show up and be present with yourself just as you are.
Like the garden, our bodies need to be weeded, watered and nurtured to grow strong and healthy.
We tend to just let ourselves go. We often don’t take the time needed to nurture our own growth as human beings. We are to busy, to tired, or sometimes to apathetic to care for ourselves.

Reiki restores our bodies normal state of balance called homeostasis. It reveals to us our true nature of health and wholeness within. It teaches us to honor and listen to the wisdom of our bodies.
Smiles and happiness blossom forth when we water the seeds of mindfulness and loving kindness through our reiki practice. Be healthy, be happy, and be at peace. Practice reiki consistently and patiently, let your inner light shine and may your practice be fruitful always.


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