Beginning Anew

sunset on lake

Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page.”   —  Henry Ward Beecher

If you are one of the many millions of people thinking of making positive changes in your lifestyle this year, read on before you make another New Years resolution. This year you may want to consider trying something with a little different twist… Like  a yogic Sankalpa.

The ancient wisdom embedded within the practice of reiki creates an integrated approach of mind/ body connection and that’s what creates long term positive change. When what you think, feel, and do are all in alignment you have much more energy to peruse your intentions.

Your not resisting anything. Your not doing something ” because you should” or because ” my friend is” or for any other reason other than your own hearts desire. Yep that’s what a Sankalpa is. Your hearts desire, directed mindfully and with loving kindness, focused on affirming, creating and sustaining your positive intention for yourself.

You can work out and create change in the ” outer” but frequently find yourself still stuck with the same old unhealthy habits that eventually lead you astray. When we practice reiki, instead of working out we ” work in”.  We look inward using our insight , we listen in, to the wisdom of our body. When we get the “Inner” right,  the outer will flourish as well. So if you are thinking of beginning a new reiki practice this  year or maybe you are ” Beginning Anew” starting over again. We welcome you to our reiki community. We are passionate about teaching reiki and helping you manifest a healthy and happy New Year.

Start a fresh page. Write your hearts desire on it. Stay focused. We will leave our  welcome mat out for you. And the light within … It’s always on.



One Reply to “Beginning Anew”

  1. A few lights still glow in the darkness of the evening as I drive through town. Houses who hang on to the season, not wanting to let go, their Christmas decorations still lit in bright colors. These homes are happy to merge one year into the next, drawing our attention, shouting out at us as we drive by: “look at me, look at me”!!!! Their owners must be pleased, wanting to show them off for just a little bit longer……. as if they were their children in new fancy clothes……hesitating to turn the lights out…..just yet. And through some windows I can even see Christmas trees still telling their stories by the decorations they wear.

    My own home has shed its decorative glow and reminds me that I choose to let go. To find the blank page and start anew. My tree, who like an old friend sat up at night with me in decorative glow for this past month after everyone else had gone to bed, has left an empty spot where it sat. But the space creates room to start anew….a refreshing empty spot calling out, “look at me, look at me”!!! This owner is pleased for it signals the time is now to start a new page……to create… build…….Of course I know, like an old friend, the tree will be back next year. And with it, like an old friend, will bring warmth and love and old stories as it holds onto its decorations. There is comfort in that.

    I move to the mat. I take a breath, relax, feel sensation, become aware and just allow whatever is to be. The houses have made me think about how differently we all deal with this time of year and bring me back to what is true for me. I have started the fresh page. It knows to be patient and wait for me…..I take a breath, relax, feel sensation, become aware and just allow whatever is to be. The light glowing within shines brighter since the decorations are no more. The soul needs to find its way. So many desires of the heart……each needs to find its place in time…..each needs to set its own priorities……as I do my own “work in” on and off the mat….. to begin anew……

    May your own journey be rich and full of promise, whether or not you have turned off the outside lights. Welcome to 2016.


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