Harmony of Life

Our body is a divine instrument played by the breath. It is our job to keep the instrument well tuned and to listen to the voice of truth moving through us.” _ Anodea Judith

Wheels of Life Keep Turning

Sometimes things just line up perfectly through their own accord. What perfect timing the universe has created for our Fifth Chakra workshop! A moment in time when women are speaking their truth, their minds, their hearts and finding their voices matter, and the world is listening. For too long our voices have been silenced by fear, intimidation, and lack of anyone willing to listen.
When we share our stories we begin to connect to the vast web of life and we realize we are not alone. Through the subtle energy of the throat chakra we communicate or needs, wants, concerns, griefs, joys and sorrows. We sing the bones back into life, as the wise woman said ,through story and songs that open us up to our own “inner-net” of consciousness.
Krishna Das said “mantra chanting is the original wireless communication”. We call out to the universal energy and it answers back. Through that wireless connection of vibration we begin to resonate with the deepest truths of all life. We are all interdependent and part of a vast web of being -ness.
Celebrate the sounds of life, open your heart, open your mind, and find a little bit of harmony in everyday life. Good Vibrations are coming your way!

Good  Vibrations: Harmony for mind,body and spirit. January 28th, 2:00 -5:30 pm. Don’t miss it.