Events and Workshops

Where ever you are on your path to health and wholeness, welcome to our Sangha. Regardless if your a beginner, new to yoga, meditation and self care or a seasoned yoga teacher, I’m excited to share my passion for yoga, sound meditation, and bodywork with you.

I offer a variety of ongoing online and in person group classes, workshops, and private consultations for yoga, sound meditation, and Reiki therapy. Please click on my events page for upcoming offerings. Thank you visiting our site.


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Yinside the Chakras: Virtual 6 week series 9/19 -10/24

Everything is energy. The seven major chakras play an important role in the energy or subtle body in both Reiki and Yoga, They serve are a mind/body metaphor for the metaphysical representing the whole multi-dimensional self that offer us potentially meaningful insights into our well being.

In this 6 week online only Zoom Class Room series we will practice a chakra based Yin Yoga series to balance each one of the major chakras with a focus on a different one each week. As we create a focal point for each chakra through yoga asana and meditation we create a dynamic shift of attention and intention and where attention flows our energy goes. This increased flow of prana allows for energy to move naturally toward any depleted areas to re create balance of mind, body and spirit.

This is an online Zoom class series on Thursday’s 4:00 – 5:15 pm. Class will be recorded and available to students for 3 days if they are unable to attend live. Minimal props of yoga mat, blankets, towels, or yoga blocks are suggested.

September 19, 2024 @ 4:00 pm 5:15 pm

$49.00 Exploring the Chakras with Yin Yoga : 6 week series